Cinnamon Apple Pancakes


Picture this – you walk home in the slight dusk, wrapped in a cosy scarf, admiring the amber hues on the trees as you crunch through leaves. You open the door to your house and are welcomed by a warm glow, and then – then – someone offers you a Freshly Made Cinnamon Apple Pancake. COULD THERE BE ANYTHING MORE WONDERFULLY AUTUMNAL. No. So read on.

These are a perfect quick dessert – just the right size to polish off after a big dinner, or indulge in as a lovely evening snack. They’re fun to make, seasonal and not that unhealthy (if you’re self-disclipined with the cream…)

To make 4-6 pancakes

For the batter

  • 100g flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 pint milk

For the filling

  • 4 medium cooking apples
  • Small handfull sultanas
  • Small handfull pecans
  • 1 tablespoon soft brown sugar
  • Cinnamon to taste (1-2tsp)

Also: cream, butter (don’t be guilty – you’re supporting dairy farmers, right. Basically your good deed for the day)

Start by sifting the flour and salt together. Mix in the egg. Pour in the milk bit by bit, whisking as you go to avoid lumps. That’s your batter!

Now peel, core and slice (quite finely) the apple. Boil the kettle. Place the apple in a saucepan with enough water to cover the bottom by about 0.5cm (we don’t need to be exact here) and the sugar. Heat it up and be patient as the apple softens down and thickens up. Add the cinnamon, pecans (broken up) and sultanas, and cook a little longer to incorporate these fully. That’s that!

Both the batter and the sauce can be made in advance, and stored in the fridge for a few days. Just stir the batter before using as it will settle, and remember to warm up the apple!

On a low-moderate heat, melt some butter in a saucepan, and pour out your batter for a pancake. Not too thick! And don’t wimp out – be brave and give it a flip. Once done, lay on a warmed plate, and add the filling and some cream before wrapping up.

Best served right away, while smugly basking in the warm knowledge than you have WON at Autumn. Well done, friend.

